Tagged: Micro Fiction

Late Lines

You’re late. Except you’re not that late so it’s okay. It’s nothing to make a fuss over because everyone is late sometimes, right?

A Slew of Micro Fictions

Thankfully, whatever Muse keeps me company has also kept me in good quantity of Big Magic and ideas are never too far away when I reach for them.

A Few Short Stories

One weekend, three stories, 2,450 words.
* Image Credit: http://d4n13l3.deviantart.com/art/Only-a-spaceship-196544367

A Micro Fiction: Mosh

There is a moment of silence – brief and overshadowed – a hush that falls just before the rumble of noise begins. 

A feeling grows in the momentary quiet (which is not quite silence but rather anticipation). There is a noise to anticipation. A hum. A buzz that starts in your feet and builds to your chest, igniting in your soul.

Lights go up, the sound check crackles and a voice cat calls. A single, solitary call. But not for long.